A Travellerspoint blog


Trying to adjust!


After 24+ hours of traveling I finally made it to Malaysia. I have to say, it's been an adjustment and huge learning curve every since. After turning down a job in Turkey because of safety concerns, I took the job here hoping to have adventures and meet new friends. I've had some of both, and yet, there has been some very difficult days.

I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to just head to the airport and leave it all behind, no matter what I spent to get here. It’s a brand new school. There are no resources. Very few books in the classroom and I have to create everything. It’s like totally starting over. I’m not prepared for this. Then there is trying to settle in to the apartment and having to buy everything for that. And the grocery stores are horrible. I’m about to the point that I will just eat out everyday. Today I went to the store and couldn’t get a shopping cart without having to put in a coin, and they sent me to get a rewards card that took getting my passport out. I finally told them forget it. I don’t want a card. I did figure out the grocery cart thing, and picked up some items. Where is Costco?

Ran to the apartment and put in a wash, at least I have a washing machine and tried to make the bed with the new sheet the owners got, only to find it didn’t fit the bed. They don’t have top sheets here. I waited for the clothes to wash and hung them to dry and came back to the hotel. I'm staying the whole week they gave me because I won't have internet at the apartment for several days.

It’s hot. I’m covered in mosquito bites that look like they are getting infected. I didn’t have lunch cause I could’t stand the thought of what they cooked....and the hygiene.

The principal came in and saw me crying, said to take it easy because I have just gone thru tons of high stressors in life. Leaving family and friends, moving to a new and strange country. new apartment, new food, new car, new money system, weather, new job, totally new environment.
Hmmmmm! It's his first year here too! So I'm sure he is having a rough time of it also. He kept coming in and checking on me during the day. Bet he wishes he didn’t hire me. I wish he didn’t. Then the other day when signing my contract I found out about the 28% tax. That’s 1/4 of my salary gone. And I’m not sleeping. IMG_3508










Ok, that was a few days ago, and things are somewhat better. I know I have to be patient and give it time...I made it through the first week of school. I have had to really come down on the kids because they are really energetic. I've got 16 kids with 8 different nationalities. 5 girls and the rest are boys. No wonder there is behavior! Geez!

I tried to go to church and my google maps was all messed up. Drove around for 1.5 hours and my phone battery was dying so I had to get home before it died or I would have been totally lost. I called the branch president's wife and she said they were meeting again in the afternoon so I tried again. Made it this time. Only 10 people in attendance. It was just and hour and half meeting. But it was good to make it. I already got a calling. LOL 1st counselor in the primary. LOL There aren’t many kids because school is on Sunday so the kids have to miss most of church. I’m not in Utah anymore, where you aren't really needed. I’m needed here. I hope that I can make a difference.

We had a staff party on Friday night at the principal's house. It was really nice to talk to everyone from the school and get to know people without talking shop. We have teachers from the UK, New Zealand, the US, China, Malaysia. One couple that teaches art and science have been living on a boat for 3 years and traveling the world. They are taking a break and teaching for a bit. Interesting stories.

It's been cooler today. It started raining with lots of thunder and lightning and cooled things down. The storms here are really something. The other night I thought a war had started because it sounded like bombs going off, but it was just the storm.

Posted by dianeski4 05:04 Archived in Malaysia

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