A Travellerspoint blog

July 15th It's Monday


Only had to teach a half day at school today. We were working on body parts. They are really good at the common ones like head, mouth, ears, but the ones like tongue, thigh, heel, wrist, they don't know. I taught the 3rd grade for two sessions, and the 4th for one session. During the 3rd grade they came and took our photos. I had a couple of girls hanging on me and rubbing my arms. But when I asked them if they wanted to come home with me they said oh no, they have to stay in Suzhou. It was pretty cute.

Here's the clothes washing experience.

In the morning when I shower I do laundry. I strip down and throw yesterday's outfit into the sink to soak. Shower, then scrub the clothes. Then wring them out. While I'm dressing the sink drains, cause it takes forever. Then I throw them back in the sink and let them soak and rinse while I finish dressing. Then wring out the clean clothes and hang them over the tub. There is a clothes line there. I prefer to keep up on wash every day rather than have it hanging all over the room. The undies dry overnight, but my other clothes take 2 days cause of the humidity.
They do not have clothes dryers in China. At least not in individual homes and apartments.

We have 2 days left of teaching. One full day tomorrow, then a half day and the performance and closing ceremony. There will be a farewell dinner also. The time has gone super fast.

Posted by dianeski4 01:06 Archived in China

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OK Diane, that's it!! Are you going back next year? If you are I'll come with you again:) I really miss it every time I read your blog and look at your pictures.

by Jon Marie

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