A Travellerspoint blog

School at Suzhou



Third day of teaching! This morning I had the grade 3 class. We spent time with Brown Bear Brown Bear again. They are making their own mini books following the pattern. I also had a lot of picture of animals and I would give characteristics of an animal and they would guess what it was. Because Brown Bear has colors in it we also covered colors. I had brought trix cereal and gave them each a small cup of them. We talked about cereal and that kids eat it with milk. I had them make a graph with their cup of it and count it and write it. Then they all went and got milk to put in it. I didn't expect that and it was pretty funny.

They went swimming after. So funny. They are in really shallow water but they all have floaties on. Time to try some more lunch. Oh, and it's Chinese....my stomach is not liking it.

Posted by dianeski4 20:04 Archived in China

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