A Travellerspoint blog


A visit to the first city I worked in 2006

Today i met up with Abel, who Bonnie and I met in 2006 when we worked for an oil company called COSL. He took the subway from his house to pick me up, and we took the subway back, and then caught Bus 230 to Yanjiao, which is about a 30 minute ride. We had lunch at KFC, a very popular place in China.

We went to the old office building where we had our offices and taught and asked for Ms. Jia, but she had moved offices. So a man found her number and called her. She came over, driven by a driver, and picked us up and drove us to her office. I hadn't remembered who she was until I saw her, but immediately recognized her. Her son, Rolf, what taken care of us when we were here in 2006, but he is now studying at a university in Canada. She pulled up photos on her computer from when we were there in 2006. Yep, I look older! Ugg!

We visited and had some tea, and they tried to recruit us to come and work for them, but Abel is happy working in Beijing, and I'm waiting for a couple of years. Then, of course, they gave us a gift as we left. I always feel bad never bringing anything, but all the Chinese love to give gifts. It was a nice wallet.

We left and down the road caught a taxi to take us back to the center of Yanjiao, so we could walk around and see where we used to live. We walked thru the market and saw the chickens and dogs for sale for dinner, the many vegetables and fruit markets, and even our old apartment. Really, nothing has changed in 5 years! There was a new big building being built across the street from our old apartment, but that's about the only change I noticed.

Then we took the bus back to the subway station and I said goodbye to Abel. I didn't want him to have to take the subway back and then back to his place. I was able to take it myself, and boy was it crowded! Interesting that not many people stared at me. In Beijing people are more used to foreigners.

I found my way back to the hotel, and everyone was here getting ready to go to dinner, so I was able to go. We had a great dinner with our group and made lots of toasts to how much fun we had together, and how well we all got along, and it's true. We really were a good group! Tons of laughter and support of one another! I'm going to miss everyone and all the fun and excitement we had!

making bread

making bread

making soy sauce

making soy sauce

walking and shopping street

walking and shopping street



fruit stand

fruit stand

corn cakes we bought

corn cakes we bought

fruit and vegetable market

fruit and vegetable market

chicken or dog for dinner?

chicken or dog for dinner?

Ms. Jia and I

Ms. Jia and I

Abel, Ms. Jia, an assistant, and I

Abel, Ms. Jia, an assistant, and I

Posted by dianeski4 06:29 Archived in China

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